Sun Exposure Versus Shade: Getting The Balance Right
Sun Exposure Versus Shade: Getting The Balance Right Sun exposure is part of the human experience and is good for you. We should not try to avoid sunshine at all costs.
The Health Benefits Of Pets: How They Improve Our Lives
The Health Benefits Of Pets: How They Improve Our Lives The benefits of pets are particularly palpable in times of stress and anguish. Their companionship and idiosyncrasies amuse, entertain, and sustain us.
Osteoporosis Exercises: Which Ones Improve Bone Density?
Osteoporosis Exercises: Which Ones Improve Bone Density? Unfortunately, it is not that easy to slow or stop osteoporosis once it has been diagnosed. It may be tough for many people no matter
IV Treatments – How Long Do Therapy Effects Last?
IV Treatments - How Long Do Therapy Effects Last? Many people say IV treatments are among the most miraculous medical interventions. And it is true that IV therapy is widely used to
Inpatient Rehab After A Stroke: 3 Reasons You May Need It
Inpatient Rehab After A Stroke: 3 Reasons You May Need It A stroke, even a minor stroke, is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. A doctor will probably refer stroke victims for
Short-Term Rehab Therapy And Its Surprising Benefits
Short-Term Rehab Therapy And Its Surprising Benefits Doctors often recommend short-term rehab therapy after surgery, an injury, or if you have certain health conditions. Rehab therapy may include physical, occupational, or speech
Physical Therapy After Surgery: 4 Ways To Speed Up Recovery
Physical Therapy After Surgery: 4 Ways To Speed Up Recovery It is well-known that regular exercise and physical therapy help prevent numerous health conditions and complications. Physical therapy after surgery is a
Benefits of Being Outside: Don’t Sit Inside, Get Outdoors
Benefits of Being Outside: Don't Sit Inside, Get Outdoors Most of us, especially urban dwellers, spend far more time indoors than outside, with negative effects on our health. Yet, we know intuitively
Prolonged Fatigue After Surgery: Do Rehab Therapy Asap!
Prolonged Fatigue After Surgery: Do Rehab Therapy Asap! Tiredness, exhaustion, or severe and prolonged fatigue are common after surgery – even minor surgery. This is, in part, due to the