Fairview Rehab And Nursing Home In Queens, NY
Have you been to an acute-care setting and need a place for rehabilitation? Look no further than Fairview Rehab Centre and Nursing Home in Queens, NY. Our excellent rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens, emphasizes speedy recovery in a comfortable and caring environment.
Speedy recovery, the goal at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY is to make sure the patient recovers with speed. Our professional team works together to make sure that the patient improves at a rapid rate. Our rehab therapists work with the nursing team to make this happen.
Rehab Center in Queens, NY
Our state of the art Rehabilitation Center in Forest Hill, Queens helps you get back on your feet. We make sure to meet all your needs and get you back to daily life as soon as we can. Our physical, occupational and speech therapists work with our excellent nursing staff and track all aspects of care. We offer all of our services both to inpatients and to those who use our outpatient rehab center in Queens.
Our facility is modern, clean and up to date. We also have a beautiful patio that many residents love to sit on in the warmer months. Nutrition is important at Fairview. All our meals are prescribed by a registered Dietician and approved by a doctor. They are all Glatt Kosher. The menu operates on a four-week cycle as we offer short term rehab in Queens. Each week residents are offered a copy of the menu for the week with two meal options. We also have cold platters available if neither option tempts them.
Physical Therapy
Fairview offers inpatient and outpatient rehab in Queens. Our physical therapy department is second to none. Our experienced therapists design exercises to help restore body movement in patients and provide education on how to achieve this.
All of our therapists provide one-on-one help. We offer access to a wide range of facilities including electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and stair training and an ADL (activities of daily life) area. We have a bionic leg machine that allows patients to undergo advanced mobility training. This is useful for patients recovering from major orthopedic surgery or spinal cord injury.
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens NY we create individual treatment plans. This means that we target the areas that need working on and cater for each client’s needs on a case by case basis. Our therapists offer innovative techniques at our rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens. Our goal is to ensure that patients can return to something like normal life as soon as possible.

Occupational Therapy
Our rehab center in Queens, NY provides occupational therapy. The aim is to restore functional activity and help prevent injury. Our team works to enable you to take part in daily life and relearn the skills needed for daily tasks.
Fairview rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens prioritizes your return to independence. Our occupational therapy program helps clients relearn their self-care skills.
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY, we help you relearn motor skills and coordination. This allows you to participate more easily in daily life.
Our therapists get clients to a stage where they can contribute to their community. We do this by building self-confidence through learning home management skills. For many this involves learning new skills, for others it is a case of relearning them.
The therapists at our rehab center in Queens, NY plan their services around the needs of the client, always.
Speech Therapy
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY employs a team of skilled speech therapists who diagnose and treat patients suffering from a variety of conditions. These may relate to language, speech, swallowing, and cognition related problems.
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY provides all services on a one-on-one basis. Our team works with patients to help them overcome stuttering, pronunciation, and articulation issues.
Our speech therapy also helps those who use our outpatient rehab in Queens.
Our therapists at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY help promote fluency of language. This aids communication between our residents and reduces frustration experienced by not being able to communicate effectively.
The speech therapists help facility users deal with problem solving. We also work with them to develop their perception and reasoning. All these lead to an improvement in attention span and memory function.
The speech therapists at our rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens work to strengthen the oral muscles of our patients. This leads to a better ability to swallow. It also reduces the risk of choking on liquids or food.
Patients are often evaluated. This is to make sure the food at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY is suitable for our residents.

Outpatient Rehab Services in Queens, NY
Fairview provides the best rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens. Our outpatient rehab in Queens is for those in the area who are looking for care that is both professional and affordable.
Our outpatient rehab in Queens offers three main areas of therapy. These are Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies. Our goal is to restore independence and restore you to your previous abilities.
Physical therapy can help people recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain injury.
The physical therapy team at our outpatient rehab in Queens treat many conditions. Our treatments can help people suffering from pain in their joints and limbs. It can help those with arthritis or strains and sprains. We help those who have complications after surgery or have had an amputation.
The focus of our occupational therapy team at Fairview’s outpatient rehab in Queens is functionality. We aim to help keep those who use our facility as independent as possible. We help our clients rehabilitate their self-care skills. We focus on bathing, toileting and dressing oneself as these are the primary skills required to look after yourself.
The goal of our short-term rehab in Queens is to help self-confidence and independence and restore quality of life. Our focus is on the individual as a person, not a disease. We want our clients to be able to continue to take part in daily activities.
At Fairview’s outpatient rehab in Queens, the aim of the speech therapy team is keep patients independent. The team works to improve language fluency and the ability to perform everyday tasks.
Compassionate Nursing Care
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY prides itself on offering compassionate nursing care. Highly trained individuals make up our nursing team. They provide excellent care for people with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses. They are well equipped to deal with a variety of conditions. Many of our nurses are bilingual, which can help communication with some of our residents.
The nursing team at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY has RNs and Licensed Nursing Practitioners. They have strong clinical skills and are highly trained in acute care. They are all BCL and/ or ACLS qualified.
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY we tailor care plans based on each patient’s needs. The nursing team works with social workers, the rehabilitation team and doctors. We take a holistic approach to treatment including the use of alternative therapies such as aromatherapy. We prefer to do this than provide unnecessary medication.
The aim is to try to return patients to their previous functioning level. This is true of all services at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY

IV therapy
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY all our nursing staff have training in providing IV therapy. Many elderly patients benefit from this form of therapy.
We use PICC live for our IV therapy as they are safer. They only need the insertion of a central catheter. All our nurses are trained to industry standard.
If a patient has a compromised GI tract we will also administer total parenteral nutrition. All nurses at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY have training in dealing with complications. Safety in IV therapy is our primary concern.
Wound Care
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY we offer exceptional wound care. Our rehabilitation center in Forest Hills, Queens provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment care.
We professionally manage all forms of wound care. All team members take part in care and work together to realize the best care possible.
Our dedicated wound care team provides individual treatment based on the patient’s needs. Our short-term rehab in Queens will help you treat the wound. Our team educates patients, families and care givers about the wound healing process.
The team bases every treatment on the patient’s needs, medical history and type of wound. The staff at our rehab center in Queens, New York provide education on how to prevent wounds occurring. Our team provides information on avoiding pressure sores or other types of wound.

Neurological disease care
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY offers a full care package for neurological diseases. Our services help those recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain injury as well those with a degenerative neurological disease.
Our rehabilitation center in Queens, NY provides a tailored package of care. This makes sure that each person is treated according to his or her needs.
Multiple Sclerosis
The care team at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. They also provide therapies to treat relapses. We use holistic therapies to help combat fatigue. These include promoting healthy sleep patterns and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Our team of speech and occupational therapists can help with memory and cognition problems. Our physical therapists make sure that exercises fit the patient’s needs. They provide advice on home improvements to ease mobility as well as give information on other mobility aids.

Stroke care
Fairview provides short term rehab in Queens that is perfect for those recovering from a stroke.
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY often helps stroke patients. Our therapists provide a range of services to help patients recover functionality. Our nursing staff give high quality care while the recovery takes place.
Our goal is to make sure that recovery happens quickly and there can be a safe transition home. Our therapists provide education to patients and their families to help prevent complications.
Parkinson’s Disease
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens. NY our aim is to keep you happy, healthy and help you cope with your Parkinson’s. We will provide you with all the care, medication and therapies you need.
Our outpatient rehab in Queens can also work with you at home.

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY we know that care and support are part of an effective treatment plan. Our therapists use enhanced communication techniques, which helps to reassure those with dementia.
Our excellent nursing team and therapists aim to improve physical and emotional well-being.
We can help many behavioral problems with non-drug approaches. Our therapists use a range of methods including exercise and a healthy diet. These can help to calm those with dementia.
Offering short term rehab in Queens, we help families and care givers make the home safer. We teach people how to prevent accidents and how to reduce wandering.
Post-surgery Care
Fairview’s short term rehab in Queens offers gentle yet comprehensive care after surgery.
Our skilled nursing staff do not rush the patient. The focus is on getting them well as soon as possible.
Our short term rehab in Queens focuses on key areas. We create an individualized management plan, we prevent complications, we offer rehabilitation therapy that includes physical and recreational therapy. We work with dieticians, physicians and social services staff to promote a patient’s health post-surgery.

Joint-replacement care
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY offers a comprehensive care package following joint replacement. Our trained staff tailor the package to the needs of the individual.
We offer a range of services at our short term rehab in Queens that ensure you recover in a short period of time, while not rushing your care.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
The cardiac rehabilitation therapies offered at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY are specifically designed for those recovering from heart attacks. They can also help people after heart surgery and those recovering from other cardiac conditions.
Our team works with patients to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle. We try to empower patients to take control of their health and prevent future problems. We do this through a combination of education-based prevention and nursing support.
If you are looking for short term rehab in Queens for heart conditions, Fairview should be your first choice.

Recreation activities
As well as nursing care and therapies, Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY also offers a range of recreational activities. This program is part of our commitment to providing holistic rehabilitation.
These activities include communal events such as classes, trips and dinners together. The communal dinners feature hired entertainment and a special menu chosen by the residents. We also hold an annual fashion show. There is an active jewelry making group which is much loved by many of the residents
We offer hand massages incorporating aromatherapy. This helps with dealing with joint pain and aids relaxation. A beautician visits weekly.
We have a music program that plays clients music from their backgrounds as well as a range of other music.
Religion is important to many of our clients. We represent all religions. We hold bible classes, prayers, communion on a regular basis. We hold Jewish services every Friday and Saturday.
Pet Therapy
Pet therapy has been shown to be effective in helping to combat loneliness and stress.
Fairview’s short term rehab in Queens allows patients to interact with friendly cats and dogs. They act as a conversation starter and communication aid. They entertain clients.

Social services
Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens, NY has a dedicated social services team. This team caters for residents needs and helps them settle into the facility.
When a resident is ready to leave Fairview’s short term rehab in Queens, the social workers will make sure their home is suitable for their physical and mental needs.
The social worker will also participate in the resident’s discharge meeting.
Our patients are a mix of referrals from hospital, other care institutions and those currently living at home.
Before admission we make a full assessment of whether the service we can offer are the best fit for the patient’s needs.
If a patient is being admitted from hospital we review their medical history, their social circumstances and the medical insurance cover they have.
If a patient is coming from home we will do an assessment at the patient’s home before admission.
We accept most insurance covers.
Our short term rehab center in Queens has an open door policy allowing family members to visit any time of day or night. Our admissions policy means we do not discriminate on any grounds. For an excellent rehabilitation center in Queens, we are your first choice.
The rates charged by the facility for residency and services, detailed for each nongovernmental payer source (update this information annually by April 1 of each year)- the rate is $800 per day and $25 per 15 minutes
‘All individuals with an ownership interest in the operator of the facility – yaakov Klein and Dinah Klein
The name and business address of any landlord of the facility- grand central parkway llc -6970 grand central parkway forest hills ny 11375
A summary of all contracts for goods and services for which the facility pays with any portion of Medicaid or Medicare funds, or any other agreement entered into by the facility, within 30 days of execution of the agreement or contract- terrific services , empro services , MediStar Seevices

Director of Rehabilitation

Director of Nursing

Director of Admissions

Director of Psychotherapy & Communications