Joint Replacement Care
Many people aged 50-80 undergo surgery to replace a hip or knee joint. But once that’s done how do you recuperate? How do you get your mobility back? One obvious solution is to seek out specialists in joint replacement care and rehab.
If you live in the New York area you need look no further than Fairview Rehab & Nursing Home in Queens. Our Rehab has an excellent reputation. We offer 24-hour nursing care, and have top-notch rehab therapists and specialists. All our specialists are licensed and experienced.
It’s a good idea to talk to us about our hip and knee replacement care programs even before you have surgery. That way you can get a good idea of what to expect. This, in turn, will put your mind at rest and smooth your transition to the care and therapy you need.
What is the Care After Joint Replacement
We pride ourselves in offering a comprehensive care package tailored to the needs of the individual client. The first thing we do is give you a professional assessment and care by our knee and hip joint replacement specialists. We listen to your concerns and address your worries.
If you require short-term care, perhaps because you have already undergone rehab elsewhere, we cater for that too. We are very flexible in the kind of care we offer. We create customized plans to help you improve your movements and relieve debilitating pain. At the end of the day, we have your best interests at heart.
Some people, especially the elderly, may need extra nursing care after the replacement of a hip or knee joint. We provide the therapy you need in pleasant and convivial surroundings. Our staff are keen to ensure your comfort and good spirits at all times.
Fairview has state-of-the-art equipment and is able to offer a range of treatments to speed your joint replacement recovery.
Treatments provided include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and exercise plans. Safety is very important. Our therapists supervise your exercises to minimize the risk of you hurting yourself. We teach you about posture and the importance of not trying to do too much too fast.

Care after hip and knee replacement surgery requires time. After all, you have a new joint in your body and the body needs to adjust to that. Recovery can be lengthy and at times painful. Our specialists always make sure you have an appropriate pain relief program. Patience, coupled with determination, is an asset, and our friendly staff encourage you all along the way.
Furthermore, Fairview’s unique Re-Hospitalization Prevention Program helps reduce the number of hospital re-admits.
The goal
The aim of our joint replacement care program is to get you mobile again as quickly as possible. We want you to be able to do the activities you did before the operation – and more. We treat you like family and try to ensure you get the very best joint replacement care.
Hip and Knee Replacement Care
Here at Fairview Rehab Nursing Home in Queens, NY, we understand the importance of post-operative care. We aim to get our patients and residents mobile, active, and feeling like themselves again as soon as possible.
Pain control
The recovery and care process after hip and knee replacement surgeries can be lengthy and painful. Our nurses are always on hand to ensure that our patients are receiving the proper pain relief at the proper times.
We make sure that all of our post-operative clients take their prescribed medication. We also make sure that it is taken per the doctor’s specifications. Our aim is to get our patients and residents back on their feet again.
Making sure that medications schedules are adhered to is an essential part of this. We also want our clients to be as comfortable as possible during the recovery process. For this reason, our attention to detail when it comes to pain control is second to none.
Avoid complications
Unfortunately, complications can arise after many surgical procedures. Hip and knee replacement surgery is no different. Complications may also be present if post-operative joint replacement care is lacking or non-existent.
Possible secondary issues include, but are not limited to:
- Infections at the site of the wound.
- Infections around the newly fitted prosthesis.
- Nerve injuries.
- Blood clots.
- Prosthesis malfunctions.
Avoiding these, and other, complications is the task of good post-op care. We make sure that our clients are kept in the best possible health during recovery.
And, of course, we do this in an environment that is clean and sterile at all times.
Rehab therapies
Hip and knee replacement surgery is carried out because of an individual’s mobility issues. So, once our patients and residents have their new joint, it is our job to help them learn how to use it.
Regaining mobility can be an arduous and frustrating process if not conducted correctly. For that reason, we make sure that each of our post-op joint replacement patients have individualized physical therapy and care plans.
After all, we are all different and we know that each of our patients have different needs.
All physical therapy at Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens NY is carried out by our team of empathetic, professional and experienced therapists. Many of our patients even come to enjoy going to physical therapy sessions!
The importance of good hip and knee replacement care
After a joint replacement surgery, it can take some time for the patient to feel normal again. Mobility, that is using the new joint, is a priority.
Because the recovery process can be lengthy and cause pain, we offer a safe place for our clients to recover and regain mobility in. We make sure that the process is as comfortable and as pain-free ad possible.
If you or someone you know needs post-operative hip and knee joint replacement care, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for all your recovery needs. Our staff carefully monitor your progress and discuss it with you and your loved ones. If you need changes to your exercise program, we advise you and work with you every step of the way. You will never feel left out or abandoned at Fairview.